Returns & Exchanges


If for any reason you are not 100% happy with your purchase, you can initiate a return within 14 days of receiving your item. Please contact us here and let us know your name, email address, order number and why you would like to return your items to start the returns process. 

We hope to approve return requests as soon as possible, within 2 workings days. Please keep an eye out in your email inbox for a return approval. 
Once approved, there are two easy ways to return the goods to us:


Return the goods by post, sending the item back to our shop front using the packaging the goods were delivered in. Our shop address is 

34 High Causeway, 

We aim to process all returns within two business days of delivery into our shop. Please remember to include all items you wish to refund, and if possible, write your order number on the outside of the package, this will help link the items back to your order. Once your item is received, we will offer a refund, however, we can not offer a refund on the return postage you have paid. You will be notified when the refund has been completed via email.

Note: We would always suggest using a tracked postal service with adequate insurance as SG Computing will not be responsible for any product lost in transit. 

Alternatively, if you are able to bring the product into our shop, we can process the return immediately for you. 

Please bring the products back to our shop address:

34 High Causeway, 


All in person returns (when the item is returned to the SG Computing Whittlesey shop) will be required to provide the email address used to make the online purchase, the online order number (found on the email order receipt) and the payment card used. We can not confirm the order and complete the refund without these three things. 

All in person returns can only be refunded to the original payment card used to make the purchase online. Please bring this with you. 

Please remember, software and operating systems are non refundable due to the nature of the product. 

We expect all returned products to be in a saleable condition, in original packaging. If we suspect the item has been used we reserve the right to refuse a full refund. 

If an item arrives to you faulty, please contact us immediately by emailing us at We can then either arrange a full refund, or exchange. 

Please allow up to 10 business days for the refund to appear in your bank statements. If you are still not seeing the refund after 10 business days, please contact us at

Our full refund policy can be viewed here